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BUSINESS // 4 Reasons Your Business Isn't Growing Like it Should, and How to Fix it

Updated: May 8, 2023

Hey, friends! Chances are you're here today because you have a business/website that isn't gaining as much traction as you'd hoped. There are numerous reasons this could happen, and it's not always an exact science as to why. But there are some surefire ways to help your business get more traffic and sales. Like I said, there are numerous reasons, but I'm going to go over four big causes of struggling growth and conversions, and four ways that you can fix it.

1. Your Brand Isn't Cohesive, Yet.

Cohesive branding means you are maintaining consistency regardless of the mediums (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Website, etc.) you use to share your brand.

If you aren't using the same logo, colors, or aesthetic across your online presence, your brand isn't cohesive, and that can cause a whole lot of confusion. Before building a website, or creating a separate Instagram or Facebook page for your business, there are some steps you'll need to take to make sure you have an aesthetically pleasing place for your audience, client, or customer to land.

How Can You Fix It?

Here is a very rough to-do list of things you'll need to do in order to make your brand more cohesive

  • Create a logo (or pay someone to do it for you) for your business.

  • Pick your brand colors (after some careful research about your industry/niche and what colors sell best -- look up "Color Psychology in Marketing and Branding"). It can be mostly about what colors you like, but there needs to be some type of strategy behind the ones you choose.

  • Use the same, or similar, style of images for your content and posts.

2. Your Sales Copy and Web Content Aren't Meeting Industry Standards.

This is a big one. Did you know that it takes .05 seconds for someone to decide whether or not they like a website enough to stay or leave? This time is usually spent taking an inventory of the main image, the logo, and the simplicity of the site menu. Once they get past that, they start scrolling. A potential customer or client will spend less than 6 seconds consuming written content.

Because of this, it's extremely important that your content is as effective and clear as possible at showing people what you do, who you do it for, and how they can get started.

How Can You Fix It?

There are a few things you can do to make sure your web content and sales copy are effective at converting scrollers into customers:

  • hire someone to write your copy for you

  • hire a content strategist

  • Figure out what your brand voice is

  • Figure out what types of brand visuals you like and want to use

  • use my free monthly content planner to decide on captions for your posts or titles for your blog

  • Do some research on what the 4 types of buyers are, and make sure your copy is speaking to each of them

  • Do some research on what your website layout should look like (including content and copy) to convert the most people

  • Contact me to get your copy journey started!

3. You're Not Spending Any Time or Money on Advertising.

No matter what type of business you have, or what kind of niche you're working in, advertising is important because it can drive business growth. If you are not making an effort in this area, you're not reaching your target audience as well as you could be. You can either invest in organic marketing or paid marketing, but both are super important to your business.

How Can You Fix It?

There are a couple of ways that you can fix this, but you'll need to guessed it...research, to see what will be best for you and your business. My suggestion is to start with organic marketing, and then move to paid advertisements later on if/when necessary.

Organic Marketing:

  • Start a blog targeting your ideal audience. Talk about your niche, industry, or area of expertise.

  • Start a YouTube channel, and create videos for your audience.

  • Start a podcast and discuss the same things you would discuss in your blog or YouTube videos.

Paid Advertising:

This can be tricky, because there are ways to track your engagement with some of these, and for others there are not. For example, Social Media marketing can be tracked based on how many clicks an ad gets, how many people look at it, how many people make a purchase based off of that ad, etc. In traditional advertising, there isn't really a way to track the data.

Traditional advertising would be things such as billboards, TV commercials, newspaper ads, magazine ads, mail ads, and radio commercials.

Digital advertising has many different platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and many others all have a way to but ad space. Once you start thinking about paid advertising, these would all be good choices to pull in your target audience while also recording data about how much traffic and how many conversions you're getting from those ads. These types of advertisements are a good way to track your ROI (return on investment).

4. You're Not Researching Your Audience or Customer Base.


How Can You Fix It?

First, you need to come up with a client avatar. Figure out your dream client, and start from there. I suggest reading Donald Miller's Building a StoryBrand to help you with this process. Then, you need to figure out your potential client's pain points or problems that they need solved. After that, you need to see what kinds of language your ideal client responds best to. It may also help to learn the 4 types of buyers. Courtney Fanning over at Big Picture Branding has a wonderful resource that explains the 4 types of buyers and what they look for in an website.

You can also pay people to do market research for you.

So what? How can I implement? What if I have no idea where to start?

If you are still clueless and have no idea where to start, there is help out there for you. If you're looking for assistance with any of these without putting a dent in your wallet, you can always check out Fiverr or Upwork. You might also be able to find a new-to-the-business copywriter, web designer, or content creator to do the work in exchange for a testimonial.

For branding help specifically, here are some wonderful branding companies to check out: BrandWell Designs, Big Picture Branding, and Clarity Branding Co.

For copywriting and content help, you're in the perfect place. I can help you write your story so that your website works for you instead of the other way around.

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