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A little bit about The Wayward Creative

Imperfect.  Human. Chosen.


First and foremost, I am a Bible-believing Christian. That is the most important piece of information that you could have about me. Secondary to that, I am a wife, mother, teacher, and artist. I love writing poetry, short-stories, lyrics, and freelance blog articles. 

I enjoy long walks on the...just kidding, I don't like to walk. I prefer weightlifting if we're discussing exercise. I love being a wife to my sarcastic husband, a mom to my dimpled boy, and a dog mama to our half-pitt/half-beagle pup. 

I have been wandering the barren wasteland of the internet for a while, looking for a place to call my own. I never found anything that felt quite right, so I'm making my own little corner.

My interests are:

Biblical Christianity

In today's society, it is becoming more and more crucial to specify whether you are a bible-believing Christian, or one that believes in the deconstructed version of Christianity. The truth of the Bible wouldn't be the truth if it could be twisted to cater to everyone's individual opinions.


Before I became a mother, I would've never said I was made for this. But since having my son, I have come to know that I was surely, without a doubt, made to be a mother. I was called to this position. Being a mom is the most difficult, heart-bending, rewarding job I have ever had.

Music / Poetry / Literature

I am an artist at heart, and I express myself constantly through music, poetry, and prose. I have my bachelor's degree in English, so I love literature, and am a beast when it comes to literary analysis. Give me a poem, yo, I'll annotate it.

Natural Living

I am a huge proponent of naturopathy and functional medicine. I think we should listen to our bodies, and try natural remedies before we try pharmaceuticals. I also believe that humans have the inherent right to informed consent.

Education / Homeschooling

I am a twelfth-grade English teacher in the public school system. I have currently been teaching for around five years. I am thoroughly interested in homeschooling from both an educator's and a mother's perspective, and would love to learn more about it.

Freelance Writing

Aside from my "day job," I am also a freelance writer. I have some experience writing blog articles for motherhood, health, and exercise. Please contact me if you need SEO articles for your small business website or blog.

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